

History 沿革


Year Month Event
1968 April Kyoto Seika Junior College is founded by School Corporation Kyoto Seika Gakuen and comprises the Departments of Art and English.
1969 April The Dyeing Course is established in the Department of Art.
1970 April Visual Design Class and Creative Design Class are established in the Department of Art.
Courses are established in the Departments of Art and English.
1973 April Sculpture Course, Design Class, and Manga Class are established in the Department of Art.
1979 April Kyoto Seika University is established with the Faculty of Art, which consists of the Department of Fine Arts (oil painting, Japanese painting, and sculpture) and the Department of Design (design, dyeing, and manga).
The Junior College is restructured as the Junior College Division within the university.
1982 April The Junior College Division’s Department of Art and Course in the Department of Art are discontinued.
1987 April The Printmaking Course and Ceramics Course are established inside the Department of Fine Arts in the Faculty of Art.
The Urban Living Design Course is established inside the Department of Design in the Faculty of Art. The Dyeing Course changes its name to the Textile Design Course, and Design Course changes its name to the Visual Communication Course.
1989 April The Department of Humanities is established in the Faculty of Humanities.
1991 April Master’s Programs in Fine Arts and Design are established in the Kyoto Seika University Graduate School of Art.
The Urban Living Design Course (Department of Design, Faculty of Art) changes its name to the Architecture Course.
June The Junior College Division at Kyoto Seika University is discontinued.
1993 April The Graduate School of Humanities is established.
December The university is incorporated as Kino Gakuen Educational Corporation.
2000 March The university achieves ISO 14001 certification.
April The Department of Environmental and Social Studies is established in the Faculty of Humanities.
The Japanese names for the Faculty of Art and Graduate School of Art change from bijutsu (art) to geijutsu (art).
The Visual Communication Design Course inside the Department of Design in the Faculty of Art is restructured to establish the Visual Communication Design Course, the Video & Media Arts Course, and the Product Communication Course.
The Department of Manga is established inside the Faculty of Art with two courses: Comic Art and Cartoon Manga.
2001 July The Kyoto Seika University Institute for the Study of Expression is established.
2003 April The institution’s name formally changes from Kino Gakuen Educational Corporation to Kyoto Seika University Educational Corporation.
The Department of Social and Media Studies and the Department of Cultural and Art Studies are established in the Faculty of Humanities.
A doctoral program is established at the Graduate School of Art.
2006 April The Faculty of Design is established with the Departments of Visual Design, Product Design, and Architecture.
The Faculty of Manga is established with the Departments of Manga, Manga Production, and Animation.
The Department of Material Expression and the Department of Media Arts are established in the Faculty of Art.
November The Kyoto International Manga Museum opens as a joint project between Kyoto City and Kyoto Seika University.
2008 April Kyoto Seika University merges with International Gakuen Educational Corporation to open Special Technical School Kyoto Interact Art School.
2009 April The Departments of Environmental and Social Studies, Social and Media Studies, and Cultural and Art Studies are restructured to establish the Department of Liberal Arts.
2010 April The Graduate School of Art is restructured to establish the Master’s Program in Design and the Master’s Program in Architecture at the Graduate School of Design as well as the Master's Program in Manga at the Graduate School of Manga.
2012 April A doctoral program is established at the Graduate School of Manga Studies.
2013 April The Department of Popular Culture (including the Music Course and Fashion Course) is established in the Faculty of Popular Culture.
The Department of Visual Design is restructured to establish the Department of Illustration.
The Gag Manga Course and Character Design Course are established in the Department of Manga.
2016 April The Manga Production Course and Gag Manga Course are discontinued.
2017 April The Faculty of Art is restructured, and the Department of Fine Arts is established.
The New Generation Manga Course is established in the Department of Manga.
2018 Kyoto Seika University celebrates its 50th anniversary.
2021 April The Departments of Humanities and Global Studies are established in the Faculty of Global Culture.
The Department of Media Creation is established inside the Faculty of Media Creation.
The Human Environment Design Program is established.
The Fashion Course is established in the Department of Product Design.