Kyoto Seika University (then Kyoto Seika Junior College) was founded in 1968, and Seiichi Okamoto, a liberal political scientist and the university’s first president, established the goal of creating a completely new type of university. As a condition for his appointment, President Okamoto submitted his "Memorandum on Foundational Education Principles," which laid out Kyoto Seika’s founding principles of respect for humanity, freedom, and autonomy.
Based on these principles, it is the mission of the university to educate individuals who will contribute to the world and be responsible for writing the next chapter of human history. All students, faculty, and staff are equal in character and are actively engaged in the evolution of the university.
Based on these principles, it is the mission of the university to educate individuals who will contribute to the world and be responsible for writing the next chapter of human history. All students, faculty, and staff are equal in character and are actively engaged in the evolution of the university.
Memorandum on Foundational Education Principles
- Kyoto Seika College bases its education on principles of great respect and regard for humanity. These concepts also underpin the Constitution of Japan and its Fundamental Law of Education and are the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Kyoto Seika Junior College is not affiliated with any one religion. However, it respects the truths sought by many religions and their ethos of sincerity and love for humanity.
- Students are taught to respect their teachers because, without respect for instructors, students cannot grow as individuals or receive academic guidance from their instructors. In addition, the education our teachers provide helps students cultivate respect for their parents and neighbors.
- Faculty members must be patient with and care for their students unconditionally, like how a parent loves a child. Both staff and teachers bear further responsibility for education outside of the classroom.
- Students' liberty and independence on campus are respected, and that ethos is cultivated. Accordingly, students must take responsibility for their environment and maintain order on campus.
- Disorderly etiquette and language must be rectified for a new era, and undignified attitudes and language will not be tolerated on the premises.
- Finally, all educational activities at Kyoto Seika Junior College are dedicated to the formation of human beings who will serve Japan and the world and be responsible for writing the next chapter of human history.
Educational Philosophy
Throughout the years, Okamoto's founding principles have been the subject of debate, even controversy, and new layers of understanding and interpretation have been added over time. In the spring of 2003, Kyoto Seika University once again clarified its mission and foundational principles to renew and continue the founding principles.
The Mission of Kyoto Seika University
- As its basic educational principle, Kyoto Seika respects the autonomy of the individual. Our objective is to promote a spirit of independence, thereby contributing to human society through intellectual and artistic pursuits.
- In order to fulfill its objective of instilling a spirit of independence and duty for social responsibility, Kyoto Seika will always maintain a social perspective and actively contribute to society.
- Kyoto Seika University is an organic community incorporating faculty members, students, and administration, and our students are educated on the basis of human relationships within that community.
Foundational Principles of Kyoto Seika University
- Kyoto Seika University will create outward-looking educational opportunities within Japan and abroad. To fulfill the ideal that human society should transcend national, religious, and ethnic differences to live together in harmony, we must develop trusting human relationships that respect differences in values and interact with people from different national, religious, and cultural backgrounds.
- Kyoto Seika does not teach any particular religion or ideology. However, we respect the universal values that humanity has sought throughout history and the spirit of integrity and love for humanity.
- Kyoto Seika offers an education that promotes human independence and meaningful co-existence by basing its approach on the real problems faced by contemporary society. The creative formation and management of the university’s intellectual resources must be organized in a way that makes positive contributions both nationally and internationally.
- Kyoto Seika’s education and research, which aims to provide constructive criticism and contribution to contemporary society, must be guaranteed by university governance which always upholds social responsibilities and faces social realities.
- Kyoto Seika is governed with egalitarianism among faculty members, students, and administration, and the values consciously chosen by the community members are to be equally respected. The exclusive promotion of any particular principle would be an oppression of individual freedom preventing the development of true independence and is therefore rejected.
- Kyoto Seika community is renewed daily through constructive criticism and the self-enlightenment of its members, which in turn creates a fertile environment for education and research. Undignified attitudes and speech are unacceptable. Discrimination in any form is not tolerated.
- All members of this community are expected to uphold the above principles and have the right to participate in creating this new type of university.