Empowering students to change the world through creative expression

Recent developments in robotics and artificial intelligence have allowed automation and unmanned operation across a variety of work. The internet has become indispensable for both life and work, especially since the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT). However, this rapid transformation in the way we work and the structure of society has only amplified the importance of expression, which is born out of an ability for thought and sophistication. The curriculum at Kyoto Seika University consists of the following three pillars of learning that support specialization, so that each student can develop their individuality and acquire the ability to create new value for society through their specialization.
The first pillar is the liberal arts, taken by all of our undergraduate students. Students acquire a basic education in the humanities, language, and natural sciences, which helps form a firm intellectual foundation.
The second is the requirement of a minor, which broadens students’ horizons. Students study a field other than their area of specialization, which helps them gain additional perspectives.
The third and final pillar is our university-industry collaboration, which links students with society. These practical learning programs help students deepen their understanding of the issues and needs of society.
These pillars of learning relate to and complement each other, providing a roadmap for students to live in this new society.
Japanese Language Education
Japanese language classes are compulsory for undergraduate first-year international students.
These classes help students express themselves in Japanese, enabling them to organize information, construct sentences, and communicate grammatically in order to fulfill university assignments, write papers, and present their own opinions.
We also have a Japanese Learning Support Room on campus to aid in the independent study of the Japanese language.
Practice on Traditional Industry of Kyoto: Experiencing tradition and learning from master artisans
Every summer, Kyoto Seika offers the “Practice on Traditional Industry of Kyoto” course, which provides students with two weeks of practical training at a traditional arts and crafts workshop in Kyoto.