

Graduate School Admissions 大学院入試?出願制度(外国人留学生対象)


Kyoto Seika University welcomes students from a range of diverse backgrounds, including many international students,which is one reason why our admissions system is not restricted by nationality or country of origin.
However, there are requirements regarding applicants’ Japanese language proficiency and status of residence at the time of application.
For detailed information on application requirements and procedures, please read through the application requirements page and admission guidelines (only available in Japanese).
  • An international student at Kyoto Seika is defined as a foreign national or dual national that does not include Japanese nationality and who is expected to have the status of residence of “Student” at the time of enrollment.
  • Admission is in April each year.
  • Entrance examinations and classes at Kyoto Seika University are conducted in Japanese.
  • Master’s and Doctoral programs set requirements for Japanese language proficiency at the time of application for the entrance examination.
  • We do not accept non-degree research students.
  • The Application Guidelines are available in Japanese only. Prospective students are required to be proficient in the Japanese language at the time of application and must be able to read and understand the Application Guidelines in Japanese. 

Entrance Examinations

Master’s Program

  1st Round 2nd Round
Application Period(Initial Screening) Wednesday, August 28, 2024 – Wednesday, September 4, 2024 Monday, December 9, 2024– Monday, December 16, 2024
Announcement of Results of the Initial Screening Friday, September 27, 2024 Monday, January 20, 2025
Application Period (Secondary Screening) Friday, September 27, 2024 – Monday, October 7, 2024 Monday, January 20, 2025 – Monday, January 27, 2025
Date of Examination (Secondary Screening) Sunday, October 27, 2024 Saturday, February 22, 2025
Announcement of Results Friday, November 1, 2024 Thursday, February 27, 2025

Doctoral Program

  Doctoral Program
Application Period Monday, October 21, 2024 – Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Examination Sunday, November 24, 2024
Announcement of Results Monday, December 2, 2024
Application Guidelines are available in Japanese only.
All classes at Kyoto Seika University are taught in Japanese, and applicants are required to be proficient in the Japanese language at the time of application and must be able to read and understand the Application Guidelines in Japanese.

Application Requirements for the Master’s Program

Prospective students who meet all of the following conditions from (A) to (D) as of April 1, 2025

A) Nationality

Foreign nationals expected to have the status of residence of "Student" at the time of admission and dual nationals who do not have Japanese nationality

B) Educational background

Prospective students for which any of the following conditions apply:

  1. A person who has graduated from a four-year university course in any country
  2. A person who has earned a bachelor's degree or its international equivalent
  3. A person who does not fall under the above categories but is qualified to enter a master's program as specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  4. A person 22 years of age or older who has been individually screened by the university for eligibility and is deemed to have qualifications equivalent to items 1–3

C) Japanese language proficiency

Prospective students must fall under one of the following categories at the time of application:

  1. A person who has passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 level
  2. A person who has received a total score of 280 points or higher in “Listening and Listening-reading Comprehension,” “Reading Comprehension,” and “Writing” (with at least 35 points) on the “Japanese as a Foreign Language” section of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)
  3. A person who has received a total score of 660 points or higher on the Japanese Proficiency Test (JPT)
  4. A person who has received a total score of 700 points or higher on the A-C level of the J.TEST (Practical Japanese Test)
  5. A person who has received a total score of 530 points or higher on the Business Japanese Test (BJT)

Prospective students who fall under either of the following categories are exempt from the Japanese language proficiency requirements.
  1. International students who have graduated from Kyoto Seika University.
  2. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students are exempt from the Japanese language proficiency requirements. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students who are currently enrolled at another university must submit a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Certificate at the time of application.

D) Study status in Japan

Prospective students with the status of residence of “Student” must have a total attendance rate of 90% or more at the Japanese school they are attending at the time of application.

Application Requirements for the Doctoral Program

Prospective students must meet all requirements from (A) to (E) by April 1, 2025:

A) Nationality

Foreign nationals (including those with multiple nationalities) who are expected to have the status of residence of "Student" at the time of admission

B) Educational background

Prospective students for which any of the following conditions apply:

  1. A person who has received a Master's degree, professional degree, or an equivalent degree in any country
  2. A person who does not fall into the above category but who is qualified to enter a doctoral program as specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
  3. A person 24 years of age or older who has been individually screened by the university for eligibility and is deemed to have qualifications equivalent to items 1–2

C) Japanese language proficiency

Prospective students must fall under one of the following categories at the time of application:

  1. A person who has passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N1 level
  2. A person who has received a total score of 280 points or higher in “Listening and Listening-reading Comprehension,” “Reading Comprehension,” and “Writing” (with at least 35 points) on the “Japanese as a Foreign Language” section of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)
  3. A person who has received a total score of 660 points or higher on the Japanese Proficiency Test (JPT)
  4. A person who has received a total score of 700 points or higher on the A-C level of the J.TEST (Practical Japanese Test)
  5. A person who has received a total score of 530 points or higher on the Business Japanese Test (BJT)

Prospective students who fall under either of the following categories are exempt from the Japanese language proficiency requirements.
  1. International students who have graduated from Kyoto Seika University.
  2. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students are exempt from the Japanese language proficiency requirements. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship students who are currently enrolled at another university must submit a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Certificate at the time of application.

D) Status of study in Japan

Prospective students with the status of residence of “Student” must have a total attendance rate of 90% or more at the Japanese school they are attending at the time of application.

E) Preliminary interview

Applicants must have a preliminary interview with the faculty member from whom they wish to receive instruction when they make the application

Preliminary interview (doctoral program)

  • Applicants to the doctoral program should have a preliminary interview with the faculty member from whom they wish to receive instruction before the application start date. During the preliminary interview, the participants will confirm the content of the doctoral program and the applicant’s prospective field of research. Applicants may bring previous academic papers, theses, portfolios, and other materials to the interview, but no guidance or assessment will be provided regarding these materials. Moreover, the university does not promise to provide any such guidance after admission. Please refer to the Academic Faculty section of the university's website for information on the faculty member in charge of the doctoral program.
  • Before the interview, applicants should download the Doctoral Course Preliminary Interview Form (PDF), print it on A4 size paper, and fill in the necessary information. Applicants should bring the completed form to the interview for the faculty member to sign. The signed interview form should be sent with the other application documents.
 *Prospective students who do not attend a preliminary interview will not be able to apply.

How to apply if you are unsure how to contact an academic faculty member

Please submit the application by email.
  • Address: nyushi@kyoto-seika.ac.jp

Please make the subject “Doctoral program: request for preliminary interview” and include the following information in the body of the email.
  1. Your name
  2. Your telephone number
  3. The name of the faculty member with whom you wish to arrange an interview
  4. Graduate school/major you wish to apply for

Please also attach the following documents to your email.

  • Curriculum Vitae (in the format specified by the university)
  • Application Letter (please refer to of the Graduate School Application Guidelines and prepare the letter in Word format)
  • Research Plan (please refer to of the Graduate School Application Guidelines and prepare the letter in Word format)

Submission deadlines

Doctoral program applicants: Monday, September 30, 2024