Kyoto Seika University welcomes students from a range of diverse backgrounds, including many international students, which is one reason why our admissions system is not restricted by nationality or country of origin.
However, there are requirements regarding applicants’ Japanese language proficiency and status of residence at the time of application. For detailed information on application requirements and procedures, please read through the application requirements page and admission guidelines (only available in Japanese).
- An international student at Kyoto Seika is defined as a foreign national or dual national that does not include Japanese nationality and who is expected to have the status of residence of “Student” at the time of enrollment.
- Admission is in April each year.
- Entrance examinations and classes at Kyoto Seika University are conducted in Japanese.
- Undergraduate faculties and master’s programs set requirements for Japanese language proficiency at the time of application for the entrance examination.
- We do not accept applications for research students. However, we do accept government-sponsored research students upon recommendation by Japanese embassies and consulates. Please check the MEXT website for details.
Undergraduate Faculties

Graduate Programs

Exchange Programs

Students enrolled in institutions of higher education that have concluded an inter-university exchange agreement with Kyoto Seika are eligible to apply for our international exchange programs. If you are interested in our exchange programs, please see the following page.