ONO Akira
- Specialization
- Picture Book / Editing / Editorial Design
[Image Expression / Year 1]
Through tasks such as composing with colored paper and designing monochromatic figures, students search for the lines, shapes, and colors that appeal to them.Instead of drawing illustrations, they engage with simple lines, shapes, and colors to develop their imagination and sensitivity, which form the building blocks of any two-dimensional expression.
[Image Expression / Year 2]
Students learn how to apply the imagination and sensibilities they developed in their first year in broader society andstudy the basics of illustration and graphic design to make posters and magazine covers.The course conducts different modes of expression while considering what and how to communicate and to whom.
Students will learn a wide range of creative potential with a focus on drawing by hand.
Students develop their sensitivities and creativity and learn the basics of different drawing techniques and digital expression.
Students create high-quality works and search for communicative modes of expression as they aim to become professional creators.
Students choose a theme and plan for a capstone art project they produce as the culmination of four years of study.
Each student has their own desk in the studio where they can immerse themselves in their work.
Class in the studio