Digital Art students from Mexico visit Kyoto Seika University
Recently Kyoto Seika University welcomed a group of 20 Digital Art students and 2 professors from fellow Cumulus member Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico. The students were visiting Kyoto as part of an international study trip to Japan to learn more about Japanese manga and animation. During their brief visit, the students attended a lecture about anime prepared by Julieta Icaza, a Kyoto Seika University PhD student in the Graduate School of Manga, and afterwards toured the campus. The campus tour was generously supported by Haran Aguilar, an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Media Creation. Thanks to the diverse KSU student body, our Tecnológico de Monterrey visitors were able to connect with members of the Kyoto Seika community who shared the same cultural and linguistic background.

Kyoto Seika University Office for Global Initiatives
137 Kino-cho, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8588 JAPAN
? Tel: 075-702-5199
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